Works in the field of computer graphics since 2005, paralelly with his studies of architecture. Collaborates with various architecture studios, enterprises and university professors realising both the technical part and the visual representation of projects.
Proficient with Rhinoceros, 3ds max, Mental ray, Autocad and Photoshop softwares, sound knowledge of 3D modeling and rendering programs due to everyday use. Certified instructor of Rhinoceros and certified professional of 3ds max. Expert user of other softwares used in parametric architectural design such as Revit and Grasshopper.
Excellent organisational and interpersonal skills, developed throughout the practice of professional activity and teaching. The nature of the operative sector necessarily involves an exchange of opinions among professionals of different scientific fields. The practice of football from a young age contributed to acquiring strong team-player qualities and values. Ability to coordinate team members developed during researching, teaching and university planning as well as working for private commissions.