1. Solution exception:Could not find node at (0/0/1) where support index 0 is attached

nell’inserire i vincoli ricevo il seguente messaggio d’errore “1. Solution exception:Could not find node at (0/0/1) where support index 0 is attached.”

Inoltre riscontro anche l’errore “1. There is 1 rigid body mode in the system. This means some parts can move freely without causing deformation.
Try to use the ‘Eigen Modes’-component and activate the display of local coordinate axes: The first eigen-mode will be the rigid body motion.
If this does not help, check whether you have a pinned support directly attached to a hinge. A hinge introduces an extra node which may cause the problem.
When analyzing a flat shell structure one has to lock the rotation perpendicular to the plate in at least one node.”

Allego file per valutare la situazione
Pattern parametrico.gh (134,3 KB)

Antonio benvenuto!
Purtroppo non vado oltre al benvenuto perché Karamba è un plugin che non sviluppiamo noi di McNeel. Spero ci siano utenti che lo utilizzano e in grado di risponderti.